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In Pavlov's Trout, Paul Quinnett writes the following about hope:

Fishing is hope experienced. To be optimistic in a slow bite is to thrive on hope alone. When asked, “How can you fish all day without a hit?” the true fisherman replies, “Hold it! I think I felt something.” If the line goes slack, he says, “He’ll be back!”

When it comes to the human spirit, hope is all. Without hope, there is no yearning, no desire for a better tomorrow, and no belief that the next cast will bring the big strike.

During Advent, we’re reminded and reassured that we can hope in God’s fulfilling biblical prophecies about Jesus…a hope that doesn’t disappoint (Romans 5:5).

Like the prophets of old, we hope for our Messiah to save us from the world’s brokenness (Isaiah 9:6-7). While evil abounds and all seems lost in this age, we can still anticipate Jesus’ second arrival to earth as we embrace the hope of fulfilled prophecies, just like those foretelling of Jesus’ birth proved true before.