We are a family of neighborhood house churches, passionately pursuing Jesus.
We are learning to live and love like him. Not just loving like the world does, but with a supernatural love. A love that can only be empowered by the Holy Spirit of the Living God! We want to taste heaven on earth!! We're disatisfied with anything less. So, we are committed to learn Jesus' more excellent way!
Practically, we describe ourselves as a family of missional communities (house churches), committed to Jesus and his teachings, following his example of love as we learn to lift up others' needs as more important than our own. We want those around us, those we care about, to fall in love with Jesus, too! We want them to overcome sin and brokenness through the power of the Holy Spirit and to fully experience the extravagant love of God. We believe people come to saving faith "ViaCordis" (by way of the heart") as we turn our affections to the Lord. Truly, we are saved by grace through faith in the sufficient work of Jesus on his cross.
Even the most successful churches are reporting decreasing effectiveness in reaching emerging generations for Christ. Sociological studies show that each successive generation is describing itself increasingly as "post-Christian."
We believe this is due, in part, to inadequate teaching (or perhaps inconsistent modeling) of what it means to truly live and love like Jesus. The greatest dilemmas and complex problems of our day would be answered if we pattern our lives after him. We simply cannot sit idle and allow the Church to continue to decline under our watch. Instead, we believe that God intends to pour out a movement of His Spirit commensurate with the humongous need of our time.
ViaCordis empowers and resources neighborhood house churches, shown to be the best way to connect with the emerging generations and those who don't even pretend to follow Christ.
In our increasingly complicated world, we desperately need clear insights from God to inform and equip us to live. The shallow experience of many cultural Christians will no longer do. Nor would we ever want our experience of God to be reduced to such! Life with Jesus offers so much more!
In the context of our neighborhood house churches, we get to experience kingdom values and the "Jesus way of life" as we experience God's extraagant love, learn scripture, edify one another through Holy Spirit empowered gifts, and follow the pattern of Jesus in all we do.