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Once again as I write, it’s another gray and gloomy day.  The clouds hang quite heavy over our area.  After a while, it feels like they will never go away.  Oh, occasionally you see a burst of light through a gap in the clouds…and for a moment, there’s relief from the gloom…but very quickly the clouds cover it up again.  It’s like the sun becomes an occasional presence in the lingering, constant gloom. 

Yet, if you think about it, it's the gloom that's temporary; the sun is the constant.  The clouds will eventually blow away, but the sun is always there – whether you see it or not.

You may feel as though you are living under relentless gray and heavy clouds, but occasionally see a sudden burst of light…a small ray of hope.  Be encouraged; that's God reminding you that there is relief.  Even more importantly, when you are in Christ, the clouds will eventually clear, revealing that He alone is the constant.  Gloom is only temporary.  Wait on the Lord and your strength will be renewed, your vision will be cleared and your heart will find relief.