Two choirs took the stage at the festival. The first was technically brilliant. No mistakes, a superb performance that evoked the audience’s applause and amazement. How could anyone top that excellence?
The final choir took the stage and began the unlikely task. As the members sang, their eyes were closed, swaying to the music, fully engaged – not simply in a performance, but in expressing their very soul. As the final note faded, the audience did not applaud. Instead, a stilled, reflective silence hung over the room. Sniffles could be heard, quiet weeping, faces glistening with tears. One of the judges simply said, “That went beyond performance. It was soulful.”
You may attempt to learn the best practices of your profession. You may even attempt to perform every requirement of a religious system in hopes it will earn you acceptance with God and peace in your own life. However, the deep effects of God’s touch on your life go way beyond changed activity or practices. You feel it. In the depths of your soul, you sense the intimate, loving touch of God’s Spirit. Will you let Christ find that deep impact in your life that moves you beyond mere performance to soulfulness?