Ever notice how easy it can be to walk by someone who's hurting or who’s facing difficult circumstances while choosing to ignore their dilemma? "It's not my pain. I'm not affected."
Yet, when someone we know or love gets hurt, we are much more attentive. We don’t just notice their pain; we actively respond, demonstrating care and concern. It’s funny how our empathy in response to hurt correlates directly to the measure of our love.
We recognize the risk involved in loving someone else precisely because it carries with it the possibility of hurt. When we love others who are hurting, we hurt right along with them and are compelled to be involved in resolving their predicament.
God loves us. I can only imagine the empathy He feels for us when we are hurting. Perhaps seeing other people like God sees them will cause us not to ignore them. It shows we have love for one another. Isn't that one of the greatest commands of all?