I love how God has been stirring the hearts of our students over these past several weeks. Rather than pursuing emotionally charged experiences, these students are seeking a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus Himself. They’re discovering that this starts with authentic confessions to Him through prayer. They’re learning that He can handle forthrightness. In fact, He invites such honesty.
As John Ortberg claims: “Prayer isn’t a place to be good; it’s a place to be honest.”
John Mark Comer agrees, reminding us that all that we are is laid bare before all Who God is: “How many of the Psalms are just David raging at heaven, venting all his hurt and anger and bitterness and fear over wounding, betrayal, feeling misunderstood, attacked or opposed?”
Prayer must become our lifeline…not just a mere discipline (though there’s a place for that), but as our only hope of flourishing over the long haul.
“Sometimes our prayer will look like sitting in the quiet and letting God love us…just looking at God, looking at us, in love. Realizing we are incredibly broken and yet utterly loved. Other times it will look like raging, a torrent of pent-up emotions at the sky.”
Prayer is the place we retreat from the world to take refuge in God before we return to the world empowered by Him.