This week, I got to travel out of state with my wife and a group of guys I’ve discipled over the years. What a tremendous experience!
When we took off from the airport, the plane ascended through puffy clouds to get to cruising altitude. Getting through those clouds, though, meant enduring a few bumps. Sometimes it got kind of severe. At that moment, most of the passengers were a bit nervous as they focused on the immediate circumstance – the cloud.
You may be one who holds on with white knuckles to the armrest as the craft continues through the heavy clouds. Or…perhaps that person was me. Yet, once we get to clear air, high above, we can look down and see how little of the sky those clouds actually fill. It’s blue as far as we can see, and now we see that the clouds are a minor part of the whole sky. While we’re in it, though, it feels like it is our whole world.
Bumps in your life and in your journey with Jesus may feel like they are all consuming while you’re in them. In reality they are a minor part of the whole picture. You may be in the middle of one right now. Proceed onward. Find the clear air. That comes when you faithfully put your trust in Christ to guide you to your intended path. Soon you realize how small a part of God’s horizon those circumstances really are.